Ultimul raport al Institutului Interntţional de Cercetare
pentru Pace (SIPRI) din Stockholm, un fel de etalon in domeniu, ne vorbeste despre cum se mai impusca/apara mai-marii si mai-micii lumii. Cam asa:
- The volume of international transfers of major conventional weapons in the period 2008–12 was 17 per cent higher than in the period 2003–2007.
- The five biggest suppliers in 2008–12 were the USA, Russia, Germany, France and China. Together, they accounted for 75 per cent of the volume of international arms exports.
- China replaced the UK as the fifth largest supplier. This is the first change in the composition of the top 5 suppliers since the end of the cold war.
-The five biggest recipients were India, China, Pakistan, South Korea and Singapore. They collectively accounted for 32 per cent of the volume of international arms imports.
documentul SIPRI poate fi consultat aici: http://www.sipri.org/media/pressreleases/2013/ATlaunch